The Newest Offensive Football Weapon
Jul 29th, 2008 by Coach DeLorm
So I was checking my yahoo mail the other day and came across this news post for a new offense that a California high school team has come up with. When I watched the video I was amazed to see the formations of that this team was pulling off. The package utilizes the whole field rather then the traditional cloud of dust and gain a couple of yards. Over my years of coaching I have seen the game go from very conservative to coaches now going against the grain in order to gain that advantage or their opponent. Nowadays you have to use the how field and force the defenders to cover much more ground. If you are in the a conference or league that is very conservative then you need to go against that and you will see big gains. The team, Piedmont High School, plays against teams with enrollments a couple thousand when they have barely 1,000 kids. So the coaches sat down a couple of summers ago and came up with the A-11 offensive package. Here is the website for the offense in case you want to learn more. it is very cutting edge, but if numerous college and pro teams have come to visit this small high school then they must be doing something right.
Here is a video about the offense:
Wow, that is impressive. Definitely a package that requires a ton of practice, and a lot of athleticism from the players.
It’s a far cry from coaches with the “Remember the Titans” mentality of running a few plays perfectly. It really makes it a whole different game.
I have seen this offense on youtube myself. I have already started thinking of ways to figure it out. I am coming up with schemes to defend it as I speak. There is no other offense like it. There has to be limitations to having two qb’s on the field at the same time. I just haven’t figured it out yet. I am preparing for it just in case I have to face it on day. You never know.
This is a Great new offense…my mind is spinning thinking of the thousands of options available.
If I were gonna scheme against this offense. I would spy the main quarterback with a backer in the middle to stop the inside run. Rush two linebackers from the outside to pinch the Offense to the inside forcing the scramble into the middle where my linebacker and 2 interior lineman are awaiting. Drop six into different zones on the field. This should limit the success of this offense. You would need speed, speed, and more speed to stop this offense with whatever defensive scheme you come up with.
It only works at the HS level. Can’t be used in college more than a few times a game due to the “kicking situation” clause in the rules.
A fun offense for HS, but leaves you WAY WAY WAY exposed for comebacks. The clock isn’t your friend with this offense. You have to have perfect passes and receivers can’t drop a single pass.
I would suspect that you would need to jam the receviers at the line HARD to throw them off and dont have any D-linemen playing in the middle. You can crash your D-ends around the sides to play contain, and have your middles playing just ouside the ends, and they can stunt in in the event of a middle run. Not that hard of an offense to stop, you just need the personnel to stop it. To me, it seems like a 3 tiered zone defense (shallow, middle, deep) is the only way to stop this, because man would get torn apart, and a blitz would be insanity.
Pure Genius…incredible and will change the game forever in a good way. Stunning offense!
What a killa offense…about time!